Cadwell is honored to give back to medical and community missions around the world.

This summer, Cadwell Sales Manager Gray Hodges worked with Children’s Hope to provide an Arc Essentia EEG to diagnose and treat epileptic patients in Jacmel, Haiti.

Here’s what we learned from Children’s Hope:

“Thank you so much for your generous donation to Children’s Hope in Jacmel Haiti. Children’s Hope runs started in 2010 after the Earthquake. They run an orphanage with 51 children, several schools, churches, and a fully functioning medical and dental clinic with a functioning lab. 
In March 2017, I was able to go into the mountains surrounding Jacmel, performs EEGs, and treat children that have the stigma of Epilepsy. I found a child that had severe primary generalized absence epilepsy. He has never been to school, has been an outcast from society, and has no friends. He is routinely ridiculed by children and is a prisoner in his own home.
One day while his mother was gone, he had a seizure and fell in the fire. His mother blames herself for not being there to protect him. He lives a life of solitude as an outcast. On this trip, I trained a local physician to see and treat seizures. I needed a way to get medications back to these children. This physician will be able to go back into the mountains after I have left.” 
A team including a pediatric neurologist and two EEG techs went back to Jacmel. “We spent three days training this physician how to actually be the tech. [He sends] the EEG files to me so I can read them, and I generate a report to go in the chart. I was able to take this Cadwell EEG machine back into the mountains to see this little boy again. He is being treated with Roweepra, a branded generic medication that was donated by the ROW Foundation. I found that his seizures are doing much better. Previously he was having seizures and had a 4-5 day postictal event. He now only has a few hours.

With the Cadwell donation, I was able to use battery power in a mountain eniroment with no electricity. I saw he still has seizures, and I was able to make an educated decision to increase his medication. This donation is truly going to change lives. Thank you so much for this offer. I look forward to being able to help these children in Haiti.”

– Program Leader, Children’s Hope, July 2017